Controlled Chemicals
These Chemicals fall under four (4) Categories
1. Registered
Examples of Registered Chemicals Name of Chemicals Common Name Type Amistar 50WG Azoxystrobin Fungicide Gramoxone Super Paraquat Dichloride Herbicide Krismat Ametryn Herbicide Fusilade Fluazifop-p-butyl Herbicide Touchdown IQ Glyphosate Herbicide Dual Gold 960EC S-Metolachlor Herbicide Igran 500SC Terbutryn Herbicide Reglone Diquat Dibromide Herbicide Download complete List. -
1. Restricted
List of chemicals registered as restricted by the Pesticides Board. A certificate is required for import, sale and use of these chemicals. Records must be kept throughout the life cycle of the chemical.
1. Aluminum Phosphide
2. DDT
3. Monocrotophos
5. Oxamyl
6. Paraquat
3. Prohibited
Any pesticide containing any of the following chemicals is prohibited and shall not be brought into, offered for sale or used in Guyana.
Examples of Prohibited Chemicals Name of Chemicals 2,4,5-T and its salt and esters> Aldrin Captafol Chlordane Chlordimeform Download Complete List -
4. Pending
These are the chemicals whose registration are pending. Download
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